What is Threads of Hope?

Threads of Hope started in 2012 as a sewing project among exploited women in Athens. In 2014, it transitioned into the non-profit business it is today.

Threads of Hope aims to provide life-changing opportunities through training and employment. Women are invited to join a program, they learn not only sewing, but also other skills. 

After completing the training program, the trainees are able to apply for employment through Threads of Hope, where they can utilize their newly learned skills. 

Threads of Hope is run by a team coming from diverse professional and ethnic backgrounds. Diverse, but strongly united in the shared goal of seeing women being freed from exploitation and given the opportunity and support to rebuild their lives. 

Our Business

Threads of Hope is registered as a non-profit business, which means that all profit needs to go back into the business.

We make bags, home textiles, and accessories in locally produced natural materials, such as cotton and linen, as we want to be considerate of the environment and support the local trade and community. It is important to us that both materials and the craft are of high quality and we constantly strive to improve our models, techniques and skills.

All our employees have completed the Threads of Hope training program. As they have passed through the various level of training they are employed progressively until they reach full employment. During the first year of transition we rely financially on our sponsorship program.


Threads of Hope is part of Freedom Business Alliance, a network of businesses with the purpose to fight human trafficking and commercial exploitation.

Our Training Program

The training program ​is individually based and the length of the program depends on the needs of each woman. During the course she learns basic sewing skills and how to use equipment relating to the craft. The curriculum has two levels that each end with an examination and a diploma.

As Threads of Hope believes in a whole person approach, with each person treated as an individual, the training program includes not only sewing but life skills and support, such as general job skills, language and literacy classes based on each person’s needs. 

The Threads of Hope Care Group offers regular support, mentoring and individual meetings with a professional counsellor when requested.

Threads of Hope: Our Story